Faith in Family Life

I a little bit wish that I could have had a perfect alliteration in my title. Alas, I will attempt to be a literacy nerd another day.

So faith in family life. What does that even mean?! I feel like we as moms are so saturated with keeping faith in our family life.

"Are you praying with your kids?"
"Are you reading scriptures with your kids?"
"Are you constantly teaching them gospel principles?"
"ARE YOU?!?!?"

Moms are BUSY ok? We've got to be responsible for the physical well being of tiny humans. Tiny humans who sometimes act like tiny terrorists. It's some tough stuff. Not to mention cleaning the house, running errands, sleeping, binging Netflix (oh is that just me?? Move along, nothing to see here.), and some moms have to balance working from home or outside the home. Now you want us to add the spiritual well being of the tiny humans to our ever growing list?!

Image result for netflix


We can make it part of our routine to implement gospel principles in our lives. By keeping our family centered on our faith, we give our children a firm foundation to fall back on when times get tough.

The grand question is how?!

How do we do these things? I'll give you a run down of how my family chooses to try and keep our family centered on Christ. These ideas might not work for everyone. Find what works for you! You do you!

We make it part of our routine to teach our kids the foundations. We say prayers on the way to school, before every meal and before bed. We *try* to read scriptures with our kids before bed. Key word being try! Sometimes life happens and we mess up on that one. We try to talk about scripture stories and key characters as opportunities arise. When my daughter stood up to a bully at school we were able to talk about Ammon, I mean definitely not cutting people's arms off, but standing up for what's right in the face of adversity.

Most importantly we try to lead by example. When we are scared, we say a prayer with our kids. We try to be kind in our interactions with others, while also standing up for what's right. We take turns teaching our weekly family home evening lessons.

It is definitely a work in progress! Holy moly is it ever a work in progress. But we are trying. And some parts are working. This week in at school, my daughter's class drew different communities. My sweet girl made sure that her community had a temple. My heart melted when she told me that.

Image result for dallas texas temple

It can be so hard to keep everything in balance. When the gospel is our main focus, then it will show our kids what they should build their foundation on too.
