Parenting With Love Not Loudness

Let’s broach a sticky subject. 


Since I am clearly an expert, let me take this opportunity to climb on my soapbox of piousness and preach at you.  


Ok now that I’ve got (most) of the sass out of my system, let’s talk for a second. Parenting is tough stuff! The little boogers we bring into the world are wonderful and loud and hard and independent and creative and angelic and and and and. They have more feelings in one day than a lead in a rom com.  

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There are soooooooo many different styles of parenting! Mostly because there are sooooooo many different types of parents and even more types of children. Like I’ve said before, if we were meant to be the same, we would have been made from a mold.  

In my own house I have three beautiful children. And they are all different! What works for my daughter, will absolutely positively NOT work for my middle son. What works for him mostly confuses her. And my baby is just happy to go along with who and whatever.  

Moment of complete honesty coming up. I yell. I’m not proud of it and I hate that I do, but I yell. I have a hot temper, and when I get mad, I get loud. Then I feel absolutely awful! Everyone does, it’s just yucky. So I have decided to be committed to parenting with love not loudness.  

When my kids are acting out, they are asking for my attention, not my volume. When they are sassing or throwing a tantrum it’s because they have some feelings they don’t quite know how to express and it’s my job to teach them to express it in an appropriate way. Does this mean I won’t discipline my kids? Heavens no! Those little monsters need some boundaries. But it means that yelling doesn’t have to be my go to 

This is not an easy thing for me. I was raised with a parent who yelled first and apologized later. That is my vice and my struggle. But taking a step back, taking a deep breath, and remembering that they are children of God helps me stay on track. Also Diet Coke. Lots of Diet Coke. But that’s a struggle for another day.  
Image result for mom hugging kids

I read my scriptures a lot when I am feeling down. I read ensign talks. I read LOTS of parenting books. All of these strategies help me feel in control and more in tune with Heavenly Father. I am also looking into counselors to help give me more tools so that love is my first reaction. There are so many resources out there! Find something that works for you! 

I am challenging myself to parent with love, not loudness and I hope you’ll join. I promise to keep this subject updated with things that work, things that don’t and things that I will never try again haha. We can do it mamas! 
