Is this not a tried and maybe tired vein of church discussion? But why is it that way?
Don't worry, this is sooooo not a soapbox. I am the first to admit, my temple attendance and family history work leave A LOT to be desired. Like really a lot.
This post is to help remind me, as much as you, of the importance of temple work and the blessings that can and will come from our faithful service.
Why is temple work important?
Short answer- It binds families together for eternity so that we can live with each other and our Father in Heaven.
I have a STRONG testimony of the eternal nature of families and the sealing power in the temple.
I was born to a mom who didn't have the means or maturity to take care of me on her own. She placed me into the arms of my mom and dad. We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Dallas Texas Temple.
18 years after this miracle, my daddy returned to Heavenly Father's presence.
But! There's a silver lining. I get him for eternity. I am his daughter forever and ever and ever.
Temple work binds us together. Literally forever. And that is super duper amazing!
Now, how do we find the time to do any temple work or temple attendance while trying to raise tiny humans? There are sooo so many different things you can do.
I really like to index. Tangent- I once, single handedly (well pretty much) won an indexing context in our student ward. It was relief society against the elders quorum. True story. I like to index at night while unwinding and watching a show.
I've also been told, that there's things you can do on the family search app that are as easy as scrolling on social media. I am excited to try and test these out!
Be careful, delving into the world of family history might awaken a long lost love for this kind of thing. You have been warned. ;)
As for temple attendance. That's a toughy. Sometimes my husband and I have to go alone so we can make time to go and still make sure our small humans are taken care of. Othertimes, we just go do initiatories so that we can be done a little faster. You do you! Find what works best for you and go for it!
Temple work is important. I know that. My challenge for you and ME is to find a way to contribute. Do some indexing while you watch a show. Log onto the app before scrolling instagram (this one is mostly for me), make time in your family calendar to go to the temple.
We can do this moms! Let me know how it goes for you :)
Don't worry, this is sooooo not a soapbox. I am the first to admit, my temple attendance and family history work leave A LOT to be desired. Like really a lot.
This post is to help remind me, as much as you, of the importance of temple work and the blessings that can and will come from our faithful service.
Why is temple work important?
Short answer- It binds families together for eternity so that we can live with each other and our Father in Heaven.
I have a STRONG testimony of the eternal nature of families and the sealing power in the temple.
I was born to a mom who didn't have the means or maturity to take care of me on her own. She placed me into the arms of my mom and dad. We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Dallas Texas Temple.
18 years after this miracle, my daddy returned to Heavenly Father's presence.
But! There's a silver lining. I get him for eternity. I am his daughter forever and ever and ever.
Temple work binds us together. Literally forever. And that is super duper amazing!
Now, how do we find the time to do any temple work or temple attendance while trying to raise tiny humans? There are sooo so many different things you can do.
I really like to index. Tangent- I once, single handedly (well pretty much) won an indexing context in our student ward. It was relief society against the elders quorum. True story. I like to index at night while unwinding and watching a show.
I've also been told, that there's things you can do on the family search app that are as easy as scrolling on social media. I am excited to try and test these out!
Be careful, delving into the world of family history might awaken a long lost love for this kind of thing. You have been warned. ;)
As for temple attendance. That's a toughy. Sometimes my husband and I have to go alone so we can make time to go and still make sure our small humans are taken care of. Othertimes, we just go do initiatories so that we can be done a little faster. You do you! Find what works best for you and go for it!
Temple work is important. I know that. My challenge for you and ME is to find a way to contribute. Do some indexing while you watch a show. Log onto the app before scrolling instagram (this one is mostly for me), make time in your family calendar to go to the temple.
We can do this moms! Let me know how it goes for you :)
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