Hey y’all! In my family class, we are studying some interesting things. One of my favorite things to learn about and study is how men and women are created equally, but with different roles.
To be equal doesn’t everything have to be exactly the same? How can we as men and women have different responsibilities and different roles but still be considered equals? Can we be still be equal with our partners?
YES! Over and over and over again YES!
I’m not going to lie to you. This has been a *struggle* for me. When Hubs and I first got married, we both worked and went to school. I felt like our roles were equal because we were doing the same things. We helped each other with the house, we both contributed to the income. Life was good. Then I got pregnant. Then I stopped on campus school. Then I stopped working. And I felt low.
I felt like since I was just at home, I was less than. I was just taking care of our baby. I was just keeping our household together. I was just doing chores. It was not a good time to be in my head.
Then I studied the Family Proclamation. Instead of “just” taking care of our baby, I was able to see it as taking on my divine role as a mother, raising the next generation in righteousness (hopefully) and nurturing her. Instead of “just” running the household, I was a freaking boss! It is HARD to have kids, keep your house semi put together (or maybe a little less than semi put together), do all the errand running and make everyone food. Seriously, why do we need to eat so often?! (Also, I’m glad because food is delicious and my love language). Instead of “just” doing chores, I was teaching my daughter to take pride in your work, to make your home a house of order and peace. When I was able to see my own roles as important and worthwhile, it became easier for me to see how my husband and I were equals.
We have different roles, but we are still equal. The world today preaches that we have to be the same as everyone else. If you want to be a stay at home mom, that’s less than. If you want to be a working mom, that’s less than. You have to be the same! News flash, you don’t. Heavenly Father created us all to fulfill our different but equal roles in our families.
I realize that not every mom gets to stay at home and that sometimes the roles look a little different. That is A Okay! Every family has to find their rhythm. Even with some mixing and matching, you are worthwhile and you are equal! It certainly does not need to or have to look the same for every family. If we were meant to be the same, we would have been created from a mold. *NO THANK YOU!* Celebrate the things that make you different but equal.
One of my favorite sayings is “you do you”. But really! You do what is right for you and your family. While you’re doing that though, just realize how great you are, how worthwhile you are and how beautifully different but equal.
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